August 20, 2015

Becoming Authentically You

APCGT5 has moved to 

And we even have a new Facebook page. Click the photo to go to the page. Like and Share to get our posts in your newsfeed.

I believe the journey to transcendence is best found when we allow our true self to shine through and become One with all things. The road to get there is filled with many lessons, struggles, and heartache filled with wonder, delight, and miracles. Becoming Authentically You was created to share my personal journey with others who are also on the path to enlightenment.

The topics discussed at Becoming Authentically You will be:
Inner Child, Breaking the Cycle of your Past, Parenting/Motherhood, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Self-love, Mindfulness, Spirituality, Connecting to Universal Source, Faith & Intuition, Positive Intentions & Detachment from Outcomes, Celestine Prophecy & The Insights